Back again with more pictures of paintings in the church of Aghios Nikolaos, Mystras, Greece. To the left is what appears to be an angel with flowing robes dipected at the top of a pillar.

These two images of saints or apostles are also found on pillars. I already published the head of the saint on the right in my first post on Aghios Nikolaos.
I still don't know much about Aghios Nikolaos.
Finally, a shot through a window of Aghios Nikolaos. Mystras is located on a foothill of the Taygetos mountains and offers a splendid view of the Lacedemonian plain. It was once the core of ancient Sparta's territory when it competed with Athens for the hegemony of Greece and eventually won. Mystras superceeded Sparta during the Middle Ages. Sparta was abandoned but when it was refounded after the Greek War of Independence, it was turned the tables on its upland rival.